The Holy Scripture
That the Holy Scripture is the inspired, infallible Word of God and the supreme and
final authority on all matters upon which it teaches.
2 Peter 1:21
2 Tim. 3:16-17
The Godhead
That there is one God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, who exits eternally as three
persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each fully God yet each distinct from the
Matt 28:19
Gen 1:26
Deut. 6:4
Jesus Christ and his Works
That the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God came into the World that He
might manifest God to men, fulfilled prophecy, and become the redeemer of a
ost world.
John 1:1
John 1:14
John 1:18
Phil. 2:5-11
That Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless human nature, and
willingly took upon Himself all our sins in order that He may restore man back
to God.
Heb. 4:15
Luke 1:30-35
That Jesus was crucified, buried, resurrected on the third day and ascended to
the Father with the promise of His return, according to the Scriptures.
Phil. 3:20-21
John 20:20
The Holy Spirit
That the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, dwells in every believer
immediately after he places his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and that God
provides, through the Holy Spirit, power to live the Christian life.
Gal. 5:16-25
Rom 8:9-11
Rom. 5:5
That the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin and draws people to Christ. He
also indwells and empowers all believers to live a
Christ-like life, through the spiritual gifts and by the fruit of the Spirit.
The gift of the Holy Spirit is to edify the church empower the believers to
witness to the lost and dying world and should be operational in the local
Acts 1:8
Salvation & Baptism
That all has sinned and fall short of God’s Glory and that all people are
spiritually lost and deserve the judgment of God. We believe however that
through the atoning death of Jesus Christ on Calvary man’s redemption is now
complete; he/she has access to enter the Kingdom through the Blood of Jesus
John 3:7-18
Rom. 4:4-5
Salvation is a free gift of God through grace and upon receiving Jesus Christ by
faith the believer passes from spiritual death into spiritual life, thus fellowship
with God.
John 1:12
John 5:24
The Church
That the Church, the Body of Christ should be a beacon in this dark world,
reaching out to those who are oppressed caring for and giving hope to those
who are lost.
John 8:12
Mark 9:50
Matt. 5:13-14
That the purpose of the local church if to fellowship with God and fellow
believers; for instruction in the Word of God and to pursue the mandate of
Matthew 28:19-20 in making disciples by becoming a witness to the
unsaved world.
Acts 2:42-47
Romans 12:5
It is every believer’s responsibility to support the local church, through the tithes
and the offerings as mandated by Scriptures.
2 Cor. 9:6-11
Mal 3:8-12
Church Ordinances
That after confession and forgiveness of sins the next step is water baptism by
immersion of the believer in water in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit.
Acts 10:47-48
Acts 8:25-39
The Lord Jesus institutes the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper to be observed by
all believers and is a privilege given to all believers to celebrate our Lord’s death
until His glorious return.
1 Cor. 11:23-28
The Rapture of The Church
We believe in the imminent rapture of the Church when Jesus will come in the
air to receive and gather unto himself all those
who are alive as well as those who died in the Lord.
1 Thes. 4:13-17
We believe after the rapture of the church a period of tribulation will come upon
the earth and will culminate by the return of the Lord Jesus to the earth.
Zech 14:4-11